I currently have a pure research position, yet I had the luck to teach from the very beginning of my academic career and I took each opportunity to teach. Beyond the transmission of substantial, analytical and methodological knowledge, I conceive of teaching as a way to stimulate critical thinking and to help students think like social scientists.
My teaching philosophy reflect this objective: it draws on a dynamic, problem-based, participatory, engaging and responsive approach.
- Dynamic: The syllabus does not include only classic references but also more recent, original and less-known references (please see the syllabus attached for an illustration).
- Problem-based: Theoretical and methodological arguments are illustrated by real-world problems. As far as possible, student’s interest is aroused by integrating my teaching programme into current research.
- Partipatory: I draw on active teaching methods that have been found to enhance student learning in the recent pedagogical literature on higher order learning. Interactions and debates among students are encouraged with the help of techniques such as small-group work, moderated debates, role-playing games, assignments of mini-research projects, or peer evaluation. I provide continuous feedback on writing assignments throughout the course.
- Engaging: I use a variety of supports in order to foster student’s involvement and reactions: invitation of leading scholars into class, press articles, electoral programmes, films, sometimes even music, common activities (exhibitions, conferences).
- Responsive: Formal and informal student feedback are important for re-assessing and improving the format of each course.
I have experience in teaching various classes (seminars, lectures, methodological training-sessions), in German, English and French, and to undergraduate, graduate and PhD students and on diversified topics including comparative politics, electoral studies, representation and methods.
In the fall semester 2023-2024, I offer the following classes at the University of Zurich: