Isabelle Guinaudeau


I am Isabelle Guinaudeau, a CNRS political scientist at the Center of European Studies and Comparative Politics of Sciences Po and currently (2023-2024) visiting professor at the Institute of Political Science of the University of Zurich. Before joining the CEE, I have completed a PhD in a Franco-German programme of Sciences Po Bordeaux and the University of Stuttgart, spent one year at the European University Institute in Florence, as a post-doctoral fellow, and worked as an associate researcher at Pacte (Sciences Po Grenoble) and the Centre Emile Durkheim (Sciences Po Bordeaux).

My research is at the juncture between electoral studies, public opinion and public policy. My main fields of research are party competition and programme-to-policy linkages. I am involved the French team of the Comparative Agendas Project. I have been the principal investigator of the ANR project Partipol, a large project on partisanship in policymaking, and currently co-lead (with Elisa Deiss-Helbig and Theres Matthieß) two French-German projects on the target groups of electoral pledges.

When I am not working, I enjoy spending time with my family, wine tasting, swimming, playing jazz music on the piano and reading French, Anglo-Saxon and German literature. I blog about children’s literature here.

Learn more about my research, teaching and CV. Ideas and comments are very welcome, feel free to contact me!
