Find my detailed CV in English here
Current positions
Academic year 2023-2024: Visiting Professor, University of Zurich
Since 2022: CNRS Associate researcher, Center of European Studies and Comparative Politics, Sciences Po
Past appointments
2015-2022: CNRS Associate researcher, Centre Emile Durkheim, Sciences Po Bordeaux
2012-2015: CNRS Associate researcher, Pacte (Sciences Po Grenoble)
April 2019 – October 2020: Humboldt fellow, University of Stuttgart – Institute of Social Sciences
Sept 2018 – March 2019: Visiting Professor, DVA foundation, University of Stuttgart – Institute of Social Sciences
2011-2012: Max Weber Fellow, European University Institute, 2011-2012
2009-2011: Teaching and Research fellow, Sciences Po Bordeaux
2006-2009: PhD fellow, Sciences Po Bordeaux